Visual Kei Make Up Video

Often times I have anxieties and depression issues. Suffering from these because I don't have anyone to talk to in reality and everyone ...

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Angelo Band Review!!

Lately I'm into this lovely visual kei band name Angelo!! 
How I found out about Angelo: Well I found out about a band named Pierrot. While listening to Pierrot songs on Youtube I clicked on a cool looking Mv on the sidebar. After listening to the song I realized that they have the same vocalist. So I looked up and found out!

My Favorite member: Kirito
My Favorite song: Angelo - シナプス(Synapse)
Favorite thing about them: I love their simple manly fashion and the voice of the vocalist ofcourse!

This is my first review of Visual Kei bands! I hope to do more reviews in the future! Next time I'm going to review DIAURA which is my favorite band!! I'm going to put my heart into the writing when it comes to DIAURA so please stay tuned~ ('^)

I also found out something cool and that is when I was watching this anime called Tegamibachi Letter Bee.
Guess what!? (0ω0) The 2nd ending song of Tegami Bachi (season one) is by Angelo!!!
The full song is right here:

Extras coming through~
The vocalist Kirito with his unique voice has arrived~ (ω)/

First time nosebleeding~

Feb 3rd 2018
I woke up too early today and went to the market unwillingly. When I got back I ate too much for lunch. After that I went to take a nap but end up sleeping till 4pm. I drank a cup of chocolate and work on a present for the neighbor's wedding. Then when I was about to finish warping the
present . . . .a sudden flow of liquid started flowing from my nose. It took me a while to realize it was noose bleeding because I never had one before. The liquid that came flowing didn't look too much like blood since it was a bit watery.

I went to the kitchen to wash my face and I have to keep my face up since the liquid wants to keep flowing. When I did that it was strange too because it seem to have travel to my throat passage.
It bothers me at lot when I think about it since it feels like drinking my own blood.  (xox)/

4 AM the witching hour!

Feb 10th 2018
I was watching anime at night and I heard so many dogs howling. So I pause and looked at the clock and guess what? Its was exactly 4:00am!! Seriously it was creepy! I was curious to look outside to see what it was but I didn't get to. My legs didn't bother to move at all (T▽T)